Saturday, July 20, 2013


I really enjoyed talking about the different gender roles men and women have and how they contribute to the home. Because of innate gender differences, men and woman are able to contribute equally in different aspects. We talked about some behavioral tendencies of men vs. women. Men tend to be more aggressive, spatial, and task oriented. Women tend to be more emotional, nurturing, and service oriented. These differences in behavior are good for balancing each other out. This is especially important in marriage and raising a family. Men have the role of presiding, providing and protecting while women have the responsibility to nurture. Together these two very important roles combine to make equal partners in parenting. While discussing this topic I came to the realization that if both parents had similar roles and abilities, both parents would not be necessary in a home. I think that it is good when a man and a woman have different qualities and abilities in a relationship because they are able balance each other out. Each individual has their strengths and their weaknesses and if those are different in a relationship, it creates a need for each other. When each person feels needed and is able to contribute in a different way, it helps them to appreciate one another much more. I have come to better understand God’s purpose for creating men and women and preparing a plan for them to be married and raise families. 

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